Well I finished the doll dress for Lexie's American girl doll to wear Halloween. She was very pleased and did think it looked enough like her costume to pass!! Now I have the fever to sew more doll clothes. I am so involved in ATC swaps on the Fiskateer board that I have got to get busy doing the swaps I'm promised to. Also I would like to do a HUGE shout out to my friend Laura Casey who was named Fiskateer of the Year for 2008. She is so very deserving of this award.- We are having a Fiskateer gathering on Nov 15 in Nashville and I am so looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Tomorrow night is Chase and Alyssa's first basketball game so I'm excited about going to that and hope to get some decent shots to scrap of course. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween. Hope to have some goolishly wonderful pics to post by the weekend!!
Wow... trying to catch up today as I have been so insane lately no surfing time... Love the costume, the camping is wonderful.. we use to camp in my aunts trailer in the back yard all the time.. heck I think we spent a whole summer sleeping in it, it was our "apartment"!
Love the doll dress, too cute, and your ATC's are wonderful! You are rocking these girl!
I love the doll dress - it is sooo cute.
OH Patti, This is just so freaking cute!!!
Great job on the doll outfit! Did you know that they are retiring Samantha after this year?
Patti....Thanks so much....I knew we would be friends 10 seconds after we met !!! Love your many many talents !! Here's a great big cyber hug !!
Hope to see you so soon !!
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